You are a Changemaker!

Make a Donation
Without the commitment of donors, there can be no change for children. Your contribution is part of the solution. Thank you!

Lydia Patterson Institute encourages you to change the world, one student at a time. By contributing to LPI, you are instrumental in furthering our goal of providing quality academic, spiritual, and physical education for young men and women who otherwise lack access to this tremendous opportunity.

LPI humbly requests gifts be made to the Support Fund to build a strong and sustainable infrastructure to provide programs and services that will significantly impact our international students.

Impact Funds

  • Support Fund

  • Scholarships

  • Technology

  • College Readiness

  • Athletics

  • Dual Credit

Impact Channels


Make an immediate online gift here:  Donate By Credit Card


Text LPI to (915) 292-2200

Cash or Checks

Checks should be made payable to “Lydia Patterson Institute”.

Lydia Patterson Institute
517 S. Florence St.
El Paso, TX 79901

Planned Giving

Planned Giving is the process of a donor, through their financial and estate plan, making a significant gift to a charity while they are living or at their death. Gifts can be cash, business interests, real property, insurance, retirement accounts, securities, etc. Well-executed planned giving programs take advantage of legal, tax, and financial strategies to provide attractive benefits to the charity, the donor, and, if applicable, the donor’s family.

If you have questions, please contact our Development Administrator at Email Development Administrator